Monday 16 January 2012

Welcome To Hawaii......(and get ready to be hammered) by the sound of it.

Below is pasted the Surfline forecast for the day after I arrive, the 19th Jan.

If it's correct which it always has been so far, it looks like I'm in for a hell of a welcome to the islands........all I have to do now is get on the plane, have a sleep and then get off and drive accross the island and hope that the winds will be right the next day and I will probably have my best days shooting of the trip done and dusted before I start. (Luck of the draw with mother nature as it goes.....the last two trips have seen the best waves around two or three days before I pack up and bail) We'll wait and see and I will post thursday night (Hawaiian time....4 hours ahead, but yesterday) if it happens.

Aloha indeed Steve and Danno !________________________________________________

The following break has met, or is expected to meet, your Surf Alert® requirements:LOCATION: Pipeline

Conditions:Date: Thursday Jan 19: 02:00 AMSurf: 20 - 28ft

Trigger:Surf Height: Greater Than 8 ft.Lookahead: 120 hrs


And, who was it that said it was going to be flat when I arrived....Dav....oh, I forget, but it'll come to me.

Flat my ass .....I rest my case !

Click on the picture thumbnail "About Me" if you want to explore previous trips. !

PS. The banner shot here at present by the way is Reef McIntosh from 2006. That will change once I arrive and get a new one from this season for this blog.


  1. Hey Mal, it took me a while to work out my Google Account but now that I have done that I can make comments on your blog. So watch out, I could be your worse or best comment maker. By the way, the blog so far is looking really good. The heading and photo are cool. Have a good holiday, you deserve it. Love W x

  2. Mal don't let me down I want some decent photo's this time:) Ted

  3. Hey Ted......Are you emptying my mail box mate or just watching it all go soggy, you can pay any of my bills as you pull them out if you feel inclined by the way.

    Photos coming... it was a solid day here today with plenty of action. plenty of waves, just as much strangeness and a fair dose of everything else.

    Things panned out a bit shit for me a couple of days after I landed dear old mum passed away so have had to deal with that and make some hard decisions.

    Will talk to you soon mate.

    Cheers, Mal.
