Thursday 26 January 2012

Wax On.....Australia Day at Home, D Day Here....!

Decca.....before you go telling me off for not editing and adding music before I post, I don't have editing software on my laptop over here or the time and inclination to be editing. I just thought i'd get a bit of footage up just for you seeing you rattled me up to shoot vid. I'll edit and enhance when I get home.....soooooo I apologise for the heads etc wandering through but you'll get the general idea of how it's been (if it even works) and I've got plenty more of these top sort out. Check it out .

Thick and meaty.....and hungry !

Speed on glass...doesn't get much better.

The spongers were having a ball out there this holding back at all.

Sorry Wen..... I had to put one in here for the boys !

Is that a decent sort of camera rig or what.


I've called this post "WAX ON" as you can see, and for no more reason than I thought this shot just turned out interesting. It was just a random click of the shutter at zero notice when I swung my head around and looked up west in between sets towards Waimea Bay and saw this guy stick his board nose in the sand and do whatever he's doing. He also got heaps of good rides through the day by the way.

I have been down then beach a bit this morning shooting at Off The Wall for a bit of a change. A lot smaller than yesterday (5 to 7 foot) but perfect side/offshore winds grooming the wave faces. I've decided to give it a break this arvo and get some computer work done instead at long last instead of just throwing a few pics up at night after a monster beach day.

The big stuff is on the way again so there won't be much home time coming up. From what I can work out things should pretty well be lighting up again over the weekend....not huge but nice, and they may call the Volcom Pro...... then on about the 30th a fair beast is reportedly going to push in, we'll wait and see again on that one though.

I mentioned in the first post of this trip about SURFLINE forecasting rarely being wrong. I still stick with that theory and think that the 29 foot forecast I was mentioning was a rare stuff up on their behalf . A good solid swell did turn up, albeit a day late, it was still big and good, it just wasn't 29 feet. (thinking back though, it was actually 18 to 29 feet they forecast and there were some freeking big sets came through that day) anyway, as I said, we'll wait and see.

The images that you see above on this post are all from the one day and are a fairly hurried sort of a pick. As I get more time I will ad more images from the respective days.

The boys where all over it again yesterday in these waves, well and truly big enough but not killer size. There were quite a few standout moments with plenty of good rides being snaffled and the very occasional one sneeking through unridden.....pretty well unheard of for here. It would be like getting a wave at Snapper on the Goldy on your own without anyone dropping in on's just not going to happen. The difference with Pipe and Snapper though is that here you just hang on and go for broke. It's quite simply balls out, make the drop, turn at the bottom as quick as you can, tuck up in the barrell and enjoy the warp speed 6 second ride and hopefully get blasted out over the shoulder in a big ejected pressure spray at the end a very happy individual. A Snapper ride can go on for about a minute some days with about 20 other dudes dropping in on you and sharing it. This ain't the place to be dropping in I can tell you that (and for more than just the obvious reasons) It does happen, but probably not as often as you would think given the size of the pack out there all floating around in a pretty rewstricted take off zone. There is actually a lot of respect here and plenty of aloha also if you do the right thing. Then everyone's happy.

On the subject of dropping in, I don't really know what goes on with the spongers, but as in one of the pics above, they do seem to appear in quite a few shots in very close proximity to board riders, and as in the above mentioned shot quite often get the same sort of treatment as this guy is copping. Anyway, it's pretty entertaining watching some of them and the shit they get up to.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mal, So many people in that big wave shot....scary stuff. The top right one is funny with the bogie board rider getting a face full. Keep them coming! I'm off to pick Samara up from the airport now (Friday 27th morning. The rain stopped for Aust Day and now it has started again!
    Enjoy the moment. Love Wendy xx
