Thursday 2 February 2012

Just Another Day On The North Shore...

One of the Gudinskis (I will have to check the spelling on that name) brothers taking a cusual drop from the ceiling of a nice one.

He's waving to the camera if you look hard enough. Or is it all the hot chicks on the beach !!!

Don't know, so please don't ask....just "pick up your rubbish and take it with you....Mahalo.

A real "smoker" this one, with a nice thick lip.

The boys and the camera rig on the ski going for gold outrunning one of the grinders that came through.

Mmmmmm....Yep, whatever !

More power from mother ocean.

My camera rig and video setup. The SLR hanging off the 600 L Series to the right obviously, the video on its bracket to the left, then we have the FUEL TV cameraman getting a low angle right in front of me on the beach, and the chick waving to the queen at centre.

Flynn Novak about to give a nice looking Pipe wall a real flogging.

Is this getting down to business or what. Flynn Novak, committed and focused ?

Instead of me just ranting on about everything I am including a couple of clickable links below to profesional video footage from days one and three of the Volcom Pipe Pro and a view of the place from below the surface. I know you wouldn't believe me if I told you how good it's been so I wont........someone elses footage can make my point. I have the same in my files but it's going to take me a while to sort through it all.

I never seem to have the time to go through everything and edit it down to put here so it will happen over the coming weeks when i get home. I will try and get some pics up tonight or tomorrow though.

The links are well worth checking out (even if you do not surf) and particularly so if you do. I've never had a run of waves this good all the time I've been coming here.

Yesterdays swell was a full west swell, which I have always wanted to get but never have. They have always been west/north west which are still really good, but west is the ultimate and they rarely come, maybe one per season....and it was a big solid one when it arrived.

It was a photo by Aaron Chang i saw years ago of Pipeline in a west swell that sarted all this thing with me (which by the way is still stuck up on my factory wall in A4 size at home as I sit I'll be able to replace it with my own when I get home). Well now I have witnessed it live on the beach and documented it accordingly and I will say that I am coming home with a hard drive that is totally overloaded with prime images and video footage (thanks for getting me into gear on that side of things Derek and yes, there will be a movie/slide night a bit later after I get home)

The first link below is day three Of the comp, the perfect west swell day that I've been dreaming about for decades. If you take note at about the 1 minute 10 second mark you'll see the guy in red looking up at the roof of the wave. Above, is posted the digital SLR image of that same moment that I shot from the beach.

Make sure you click the "full screen"tab at bottom right of the youtube page to watch these.....enjoy

This one is a view from under the break of what these guys are surfing over and it gives you a bit of an idea of the risks being taken......the water ain't that deep and the waves sure as hell are big, the reef is only a meter or so beneath the waterline. Full screen again please.

I will come back later and talk more about the day of carnage on the beach that I mentioned in the last post a bit later, and also the OTHER big beautiful day before that that I've been talking about.....there's just not enough hours in the day to cover it all.

This last link will give you a bit of an idea of what I'm talking about when I was saying "carnage on the beach" and a lot of people lost a lot of valuables a couple of days ago. You can see in this footage talking to Dave Wasell (competitor and North Shore lifeguard) where the ocean just suddenly washes up under the TV crew and judges stands etc, and that wasn't even the day all the shit went down....the swell was only starting to build in this footage. All this happened 24 hours later after the thing got really out of control. I watched Stephen Koehene get carried of the beach after that injury and I can tell you the fin chop or whatever got into him left him with a gaping wound about the size of an orange . Full screen again ! uploading time. It's midnight here and I'm up for a bit of sleep, I'm that worn out I can hardly think....i mean drink.....I mean, I don't know what I mean, but before I go, two questions please.

Number one.......does anyone know how to make the photos upload where you want them to in "Blogger" I've tried everything and it seems totally random as to where they end up when I click "publish" as does my font selection and colour. I have never had this issue before on any of my other previous blog posts over the past years ?

Number much do we pay in Australia for a 750ml bottle of Jim Beam Bourbon, isn't it around $30 AU.

Over and out for tonight. stay tuned for more tomorrow maybe.

One of my bits of footage of a booger dicing with death before I go.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mal, I have looked at some of the footage. The "Close call with a Booger"....that was great footage, scary stuff for both of them. Good on you for doing this stuff, it really does show your holiday.
